Cody Francis makes you reflect with his indie-pop track ‘Fall Down, Repeat’
“This is the kind of song that would be perfect for late night drives so make sure you add it to your playlists.”
Cody Francis makes you reflect with his indie-pop track ‘Fall Down, Repeat’
The brand new single from Utah based artist Cody Francis was created solely by him, working every instrument and producing this alone in his bedroom studio at home. This is his first venture, and a successful one at that, into the fusion of indie and pop, saying that previously he had been producing strictly indie-folk music. Francis, who names influences such as Hollow Coves and Novo Amor, says this track deals with the frustration around trying to change certain aspects of yourself but being unable to, and the attitude he had when he was younger that most young people can relate to, that the world was against him.
This song holds the quality of being painfully relatable but also an easy listen, with his smooth layered vocals and a beat that bounces between gentle and heavy hitting. It adheres to what you would expect from a pop song but manages to also convey this kind of sadness that you wouldn’t expect. This is the kind of song that would be perfect for late night drives so make sure you add it to your playlists.
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Review Written By Amber Lashley
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