ibbi Too Vicious invites us to look behind ‘Closed Doors’ is his jubilant third single.
“Sometimes you just need to scream your love from the rooftops, and ‘Closed Doors’ does exactly that.”
ibbi Too Vicious invites us to look behind ‘Closed Doors’ is his jubilant third single.
Ibrahim Munir – aka ibbi Too Vicious – isn’t afraid of a bit of experimentation. Blending the guitar led post-punk with the breezy ease of shoegaze, this modern day rocker has also dabbled in other genres, like rap and emopunk. Having played at Newport’s Thompson House and Cincinnati’s Madfrog, Munir is currently in the process of building up his own record label – If We Die We Die Records – with the aim to host his own events in the coming year.
Launching straight into a surfy, shoegaze-like guitar riff, ‘Closed Doors’ embodies the frenetic, joyous energy reminiscent of early Two Door Cinema Club. The tongue-in-cheek lyrics speak of a relationship that seeks to maintain its privacy, all the while painting vibrant images of loved-up bliss. The rhythm ebbs and flows like pent up breath, alternating more subdued moments with the euphoria of the catchy chorus, seducing the listener with its easy going charm and pure good vibes.
Sometimes you just need to scream your love from the rooftops, and ‘Closed Doors’ does exactly that.
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Review Written By Liza Kupreeva
'This coverage was created via Musosoup via the #sustainablecurator movement, learn about this here'