Chalkpit Records

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Kid Apollo swerves through the synapses of your mind in his latest single, ‘Catching Buses’.

“Relatively new on the scene, not even rush hour traffic can calm down Kid Apollo as he gears up for a momentous 2022 which will blow all that has come before out of the park.”

Kid Apollo swerves through the synapses of your mind in his latest single, ‘Catching Buses’.

An anthem of adolescence, this Derry-based artist immortalises the drunken spirit of running for the last bus in a cast iron fire of indie. Utilising different vocal tones, he takes you on a journey. Riding over the riotous guitar with alternative levels of compression as he steps on and off the idolised mode of transport.

Relatively new on the scene, not even rush hour traffic can calm down Kid Apollo as he gears up for a momentous 2022 which will blow all that has come before out of the park.

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Review Written By Jennifer Pudney

'This coverage was created via Musosoup via the #sustainablecurator movement, learn about this here'