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Music Review, Independent Music, New Music Liza Kupreeva Music Review, Independent Music, New Music Liza Kupreeva

Slant question the consumerist world in their existential track ‘75” TV Screen’.

In 2020, Brighton-based quintet Slant burst onto the music scene with a hair-raising mix of glam-rock flamboyance and riot-grrrl vigour, and they have no intention of slowing down. Having gained support from BBC 1, BBC 6 and BBC Introducing Sussex, as well as acquiring a substantial fan following due to their sold-out shows, the band have been picked up by the indie record label Pool Valley Music and are now looking to release their debut EP ‘My Friends Are All Machines’ this March.

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Music Review, Independent Music, New Music Jennifer Pudney Music Review, Independent Music, New Music Jennifer Pudney

SLANT give us a slice of intergalactic brilliance in their new single, 'Eat The Moon'.

Crashing into the mess that is 2021 with this, just their third single to date, the band turns to the dark side of the moon to create a soundscape that fizzes on the surface of your eardrums. With its fierce guitar and crashing drums, you can't help but want to hold onto the five-piece’s audio waves as they ride into oblivion.

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